Camp Howdy is a primitive camp with about 64-acres located near Bryan, Texas owned by Girl Scouts Central Texas Council. It has been the camp of choice for thousands of girls in Bryan/College Station since 1956.
Every June, Howdy Day Camp has a new, exciting theme and a chance for girls from kindergarten to 6th grade to have a great time in the outdoors for a week. The camp is entirely volunteer-run; its volunteers include 7th graders through high school graduates who act as “Aides” to the camp, the camp directors and other adults in safety checkpoint ratios, as well as the Camp Howdy Crew, which does trail-clearing and builds some terrific structures to be used by the campers.
What happens at Howdy Day Camp?
Howdy Day Camp is fun!
We start every day singing, and we sing and play while we learn most of the day.
Most days, campers do craft projects, play games, and listen to guest speakers who are experts on subjects related to our camp theme.
One day during the week, girls cook out on fire pits under adult and experienced older campers’ supervision. We encourage every camper to help with preparing the food and cleaning after we eat.
On Friday, we have water day with lots of games and snow-cones for treats.
And we’re really proud of our older girl leadership program. Many Scouts who started with us as early as first grade stay with us right through graduation. After they finish 6th grade, we train them to be Aides, helping our adult volunteers with every aspect of camp. We have one of the largest ratio of older girls still giving back to our program of any camp in the nation.
- Howdy Day Camp – 2025
- Howdy Day Camp – Adult Information
- Howdy Day Camp – Aide Information
- Howdy Day Camp – Fees
- Howdy Day Camp – Adult Howdy Day Camp Training
- Howdy Day Camp – Youth Protection Training (YPT)
- Howdy Day Camp – Criminal Background Checks (CBC)
- Howdy Day Camp – Patches over the Years
- Howdy Day Camp – T-shirts over the Years
- Howdy Day Camp – Song Book Covers over the Years